NetNews Offline 2
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Newsgroups: ba.seminars,comp.programming.threads,comp.programming,comp.std.c,comp.lang.c,comp.lang.c++,comp.databases.informix,comp.databases.oracle,comp.databases.sybase,comp.databases.theory
Path: netcom.com!georgeb
From: georgeb@netcom.com (George H. Bosworth)
Subject: Unix SIG, Tue. Feb. 13: Threads -- REMINDER
Message-ID: <georgebDMo30u.Lnt@netcom.com>
Followup-To: Poster
Organization: Software Forum, UniForum
Distribution: ba
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 1996 14:31:41 GMT
Sender: georgeb@netcom23.netcom.com
Software Forum / UniForum Unix SIG
Threads and Multi-Threaded Programming
-- at its *NEW* location --
Bil Lewis, co-author of the new book "Threads Primer", will tell us
about the role and status of using threads to write software.
Threads are now a "hot" item for database engines, and for many
applications that have heavy-duty processing and/or heavy/duty I/O.
Software professionals need to know about the strength, nature, and
platform variations of threads packages. If you wonder about desirable
applications for threads, are in a how-to-start mode, or are curious
about portability issues, this session will give you a firm grounding
and understanding of threads and multi-threaded applications.
**PLACE**: Amdahl Corporation, HQ Building (Building H)
1250 E. Arques, Sunnyvale (between Central and 101)
(Right turn at first traffic light south of Lawrence)
Date & Time: Tuesday, February 13, 1996, 7:00-9:00 pm
Cost: Free for Software Forum and full UniForum members
and Amdahl employees; $10 for others.
Information: George Bosworth, 415/851-3304, georgeb@netcom.com
For SIG announcements by email, send mail to listserv@netcom.com with
any subject, and in the body: subscribe open-systems-sig
Bil Lewis works at SunSoft and has been concerned with concurrent
processes and threads from college on. His book is subtitled "A Guide
to Multithreaded Programming" (ISBN 0-13-443698-9) and is available at
all Silicon Valley technical bookstores.
Software Forum, started in 1983, is a leading Silicon Valley-based
non-profit organization dedicated to software professionals, with over
900 members. It informs and educates its members on all facets of the
software industry. Software Forum sponsors 11 other SIGs, which meet
once a month: Business Operations, Client Server, International,
Internet, Macintosh, Marketing, Mobile/Wireless, Multimedia, Networking,
Visual Basic, and Windows. Call 415/854-7219 for information.
UniForum, The International Association of Open Systems Professionals,
is a vendor-independent, not-for-profit professional association that
helps individuals and their organizations increase their Information
Systems effectiveness through the use of open systems, based on shared
industry standards. Central to UniForum's mission is the delivery of
high quality educations programs, trade shows and conferences,
publications, on-line services, and peer group interactions. Call
800/255-5620 for more UniForum information.